Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010


This year first raya @ Melaka. Balik kg on wednesday, and Hari Raya on Friday. Papa came back to Melaka from JB, Mama came back from Shah Alam. Dede dah balik dulu ikut Makwan & Tok Ayah.

Baju raya theme Biru this year... the girls suma pakai Baju Kurung Pahang. Abang & Papa pakai Baju Melayu Johor.

Family Makwan pakai theme merah...

Second Raya balik usual ada makan2 kat rumah MakUda.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shopping Raya

This weekend is last weekend before Raya (friday). Abang dah ada Baju Melayu (sedondon with Papa), 2 jeans, 4 T-shirts & 1 Baju Bola (this time it is CHELSEA bcoz Mama beli). Mama saja nak usik Papa sebab asyik belikan Abang Man U jersey aje.. Dede & Dekya ada 2 pasang Baju kurung each, jeans and T-shirts, and gown. Susah betul nak cari baju Dede Maripoca Lewis Papa tu... faham2 jelah kenapa.

Kasut Raya pun dah siap beli, Abang has kasut jalan, capal and but bola (kenapa la ada jugak but bola for Hari Raya, this part Ma doesn't understand, but since he is my only boy, as you wish la Abang, as long as it is not PS2, PS3, Intendo (I can't even spell it right!) etc. Dede & Dekya has 2 pairs each, 1 sandal and 1 kasut sarung. Nice, white & purplish.

Mama.... so I have 1 blue kurung modern ( don't quite like the material but since Papa bought, Mama learnt to accept with open heart..), I kebaya pink and 1 green kurung. Ok la tu.. cuma belum dapat lagi red leather handbag idaman. The other day dah jumpa @ Bonia, masa tu reluctant nak spend 1.2k for a handbag, but after that menyesal pulak tak beli. Now, that edition dah takde.. puas cari kat Sach la, Carlo Rino la, Bonia la, Sembonia la, tak jumpa.

Papa, mmmm.... I wonder whether he has done his own shopping. Ma tengok Pa asyik buy Esprit (this year and last year he is Esprit-crazy..) tapi kemeja proper Raya tak de pulak. Nak beli nanti dia tak berkenan..
So Pa cuma ada 1 baju melayu for Raya?!.. cannot be..

Today nak shopping lagi. Last try before Raya ni...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Mohreh at Ghulam Mee

Last friday, we went berbuka at Makwan's house at Kg Melayu Subang. After terawikh, we went to Ghulam Mee and had good time eating Char Kuey Teow. mmm.. will definitely miss MakWan, Tok Ayah, Ateh & Busu when we go to Dubai soon....

Mama on Travel (yet again..)

Mama is traveling again.. this time to Dubai. Mama went on saturday midnight, 15th Ramadhan. Mama will be gone for 6 days. Lucky Papa had brought Nekdah from JB to stay with  3DHS in our Jalan Polo Air house while Mama is away. We love this house (though it would be nicer if we could stay at our Golf Club house, but Mama had rented it out to one Mat Saleh from UK). Could sense that Papa doesn't like the fact that some white strangers are staying there, but Papa is understanding enough and goes along with Mama's idea (Mama is always with her financial planning).

While in Dubai, Mama went for house search as we will relocate to Dubai end of September' 2010. Mama shortlisted 3 villas, all with shared swimming pool in a gated compound. Mama also registered 3DHS at GEMS Wellington Primary School. Mama reserved Towers Rotana at Syeikh Zayed road for our temporary living for 2 weeks upon arriving in Dubai later.

Mama travelled economy this time (surprising...! as Mama always travel Business, and in style.. ). Funnily enough, when traveling Business, Mama is as good as a horse upon arrival. But when traveling Economy (with transit in Karachi between Dubai-KL), Mama had all the sickness i.e jetlag, migraine, stomach ache etc you name it.

Mama's absence is very much felt, though 3DHS should have accustomed to the fact that Mama is a career woman. Strange, Papa is traveling back and forth KL-JB and 3DHS are used to it. But not in Mama's case..